כנס לצ'אט החינמי שלי
כנס לצ'אט החינמי שלי
I have a passion for drawing, especially still life, landscapes and nature. My passion for art led me to train as a graphic designer.
Besides drawing, I am interested in dancing, piano, Pilates and fitness. I studied at a music school and love music. Communication with people brings me joy, I am sociable and emotional.
In my free time, I prefer to watch funny comedies and science fiction films and TV series. I dream about traveling, especially to the Maldives, about having my own house, apartment and car. I also dream of flying in a hot air balloon and even participating in races - that would be an exciting adventure!
This world is full of possibilities and I am ready to explore it with all my passion and energy!
דוברת שפות:
אנגלית, גרמנית
תגיות ומאפיינים שלי: